AI For Humans

The Biden Administration is Regulating AI #breakingnews #artificialintelligence #chatgpt

The US Government just dropped it’s Executive Order on AI and it’s a big deal.

The Biden administration just a few hours ago published its sweeping look at how it wants to regulate the artificial intelligence industry, specifically in regards to LLMs like ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude.

Lots of people have been waiting for this and one of the most interesting parts is the fact that the US Government is looking to get access to the red teaming data from these companies which means that it will have a clear sense of what AI is capable of at the bleeding edge.

This clearly isn’t the last of these but it’s a pretty huge step to the regulation of the industry and it’ll be interesting to see what sort of reverberations this has.

Drop questions in the comments below and we’ll see if we can answer some of them on the show this week.