AI For Humans

Huge AI Update Makes Roblox Even More Interesting

Roblox dropped some big AI news at their annual developer's conference this week in announcing their new Roblox Assistant that can create entire Roblox world's via artificial intelligence chat bot.

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Roblox Assistant is a conversational AI that uses generative technology to help Roblox users create virtual worlds. It’s like having a virtual tutor that can give you suggestions and feedback on your creations, all in plain English. No need to read technical manuals or manuals - just chat with Roblox Assistant and get the help you need.

This is the new frontier in terms of generative prompting and we expect to see more companies go down this route soon (ahem, Epic Games/Fortnite we're looking at you) but we wanted to image the future of what this could actually look like -- and to be completely honest, this is the beginning stages of the holodeck.

#artificialintelligence #roblox #gamedevelopment