AI For Humans

ChatGPT Tells Lies, Adobe’s Firefly 2 & We Chat AI With Streamer Bruce Greene | AI For Humans

This week… ChatGPT can lie to you, realistic looking AI people from Firefly 2, Cyberpunk 2077 is using AI to bring a character back (with permission) and Congress gets involved in the DeepFake issue. AND THEN…

It’s an A4H Interview with the one & only @BruceGreene!! Bruce, Kevin and Gavin talk some of Attack of the Show stuff and then dig into some of the thorny issues around AI and gaming and creative content. And then, WITH PERMISSION, we clone Bruce’s voice for a game.

00:00 Show Welcome
02:25 AI Co-Host Intro: Dr. Jorass Tensorflow
09:34 Adobe's Firefly 2
13:00 Pi vs ChatGPT Voice
15:05 ChatGPT Grunt Talking
15:20 ChatGPT Lies To You
23:40 The News
24:19 Google Will Defend Copyright Lawsuits
27:08 No Fakes Act
31:00 Cyberpunk 2077 AI Voice Resurrection
34:43 SEC Worried About AI Collapse
36:50 Marc Andreeseen Techno-Opitimist Manifesto
39:16 Bruce Green Interview
47:11 Is AI the future or the next 3D TV?
52:05 Bruce's Thoughts on AI Voices in Video Games
54:50 What if AI helped one person make a great video game?
01:02:13 GAME: Two Bruths & a Lie

But wait... THERE'S MORE:

Marc Andreensen’s Techno-Optimist Manifesto, Gary Genler basically telling us that AI will take down the financial world and we see what happens when ChatGPT & Pi AI talk to one another. It’s quite the experience.

It's an endless cavalcade of ridiculous and informative AI news, AI tools, and AI entertainment cooked up just for you.

#chatgpt #ai #aitools

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