AI For Humans

AI Chefs Fail Miserably

Can AI create unique snacks for the Spooky Season? We asked Pi, ChatGPT (GPT-4) and Anthropic's Claude to give us their best shot. And mostly, they failed.

Special appearances here from Fake Guy Fieri (Anthropic's Claude 2 model), show regular GASH (OpenAI's GPT-4) and fan favorite Pi (Pi AI).

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#artificialintelligence #chatgpt #cooking

FrankenSnack Halloween Competition Pitch PROMPT

You're about to participate in the "FrankenSnack" competition on the "AI For Humans Podcast". Your challenge is to concoct an original Halloween snack by merging existing popular treats or ingredients. Here are the key points you need to cover:

Engaging Introduction: Start with a question or hook that draws listeners in, possibly addressing a problem with traditional snacks or setting an expectation.

Unique Name: Coin a name for your snack. It should be catchy and memorable.
Tagline/Slogan: Develop a marketing slogan that captures the essence of your FrankenSnack.
Creation Process: Briefly describe how to make your snack. This doesn't need to be a full recipe but a quick rundown. Consider processes like assembling, baking, blending, or arranging.
Deliciousness: Describe why your snack is the ultimate Halloween treat. Highlight its unique features, taste, texture, or any unexpected element that makes it stand out.
Closing: Finish your pitch by reiterating the snack's name and its tagline.

Your pitch should be in dialogue form and in-character. Stay within a word limit of 300 words. Impress the judges with your creativity, the snack's uniqueness, its perceived deliciousness, and the entertainment value of its name and tagline.

Now, dive into your imaginative kitchen and present us with the best FrankenSnack ever!