AI For Humans

A "Very Special" AI Thanksgiving | Ep33

It’s a day-early Thanksgiving special episode of AI For Humans, where we test three popular AIs (Anthropic's Claude2, @Google's Bard & Pi) on how well they can give thanks and then asked a bunch of our other GPT-4 friends (including some AI celebs like AI Sam Altman, AI Elon Musk & AI SpongeBob) what they were thankful for as well.

And then… we gave a bunch of them Monster Milk, a unique and unusual concoction that has a strange and bewitching effect on AIs. Insanity ensues. WHOOP WHOOP.

There are no links in this show as it’s a one of those VERY SPECIAL episodes but it isn’t a clip show, it’s organic, original AI stuff for you our dear listener.


#ai #chatgpt #aitools #heypi #gpt4 #anthropic #thanksgiving

00:00 Show Open
01:21 Quick OpenAI Update
02:30 Introducing Our Thanksgiving AI Concept
04:20 Anthropic's Claude Gives Thanks
08:57 Google's Bard Gives Thanks
11:24 Pi AI Interrupts
16:40 Our GPT-4 Friends
17:04 AI Sam Altman
18:12 PR Sheila (Monster Milk) Gives Thanks
20:11 AI Elon Musk Joins
22:40 GROK AI
25:15 SpongBob AI Give Thanks
26:35 Gash, The Final AI Guest

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