Sept. 19, 2024

Major Hollywood Studio AI, OpenAI's New Model Gets Better & More AI News

Join our Patreon: AI NEWS: Runway has teamed up with Lionsgate to create the world’s first major studio AI model, OpenAI’s o1-preview and o1-mini are VERY good and you get a lot more of them, Suno’s new AI covers tool is amazing, 1x’s...

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AI NEWS: Runway has teamed up with Lionsgate to create the world’s first major studio AI model, OpenAI’s o1-preview and o1-mini are VERY good and you get a lot more of them, Suno’s new AI covers tool is amazing, 1x’s Robotics World Simulation show us the future & NotebookLM’s new podcast creation tool just got a lil more Guy Fieri. 

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// Show Links //

Runway + Lionsgate

California Deep Fake Bill

OpenAI More o1 For Everyone

OpenAI Hiding o1’s Chain-Of-Thought

OAI Responds to fears IT’S ALIVE

Humanity's Last Exam

1x Robotic’s World Model

Jensen Huang Says Moore's Law is SQUARED


Suno’s Cover Tool

Baltro Theme Song Cover

Runway’s Gen48 AI Film Competition

NeuraViz’s Runway Gen48 Submission

Gen3 Felt Video Games

Bojack Intro with Gen-3 Video-to-Video





AI4H EP076

Kevin Pereira: [00:00:00] AI just keeps advancing and it's not slowing down. Runway is a leader in generative AI image and video. They just signed a massive deal with Lionsgate. They're going to train their models on all of their television and films. And believe us, Hollywood feels some sort of way about it. We feel some sort of way about it.

Kevin Pereira: You probably will. Once we dive in. And OpenAI just up the limits on how many times you can use its O1 model, the new model, which is very cool, but at the same time, there's a lot of people in the world. Who are saying that it is sentient and open AI says it is not. We will have all the updates today. Also, Suno has a new cover song feature, which lets you take basic sounds, noises, even your own voice, and transform them into pop songs or orchestral masterpieces.

Kevin Pereira: It is so easy to use and so much fun. I cannot wait. All of that plus robots in the home are building their own world model. And AI is going to make gaming way more epic. Oh, [00:01:00] wow. That's totally not real at all. There's just no way this is AI for humans.

Speaker 8: We are gonna jump right into some of the biggest news of this week today, Kevin. The big story on our plates is runway. , ml, the generative AI company has made a big. Fat deal with Lionsgate. So if you're not familiar with Lionsgate, Lionsgate is a studio, a major Hollywood studio that makes a lot of movies a year.

Speaker 8: They've not been having the best year so far this year. Borderlands is one of their movies.

Speaker: Would they strike a money making deal with a generative AI company in this year of all years?

gavin_1_08-28-2024_120809: Yes, exactly. But let's, let's talk a little bit about this. So the details are slightly scant, but we know for a fact. That runway is going to provide an exclusive AI model trained on Lionsgate, , films, and all sorts of other content. So Kev, this is like a big step in the AI plus Hollywood world.

gavin_1_08-28-2024_120809: [00:02:00] I think we have now the first big player stepping across the river towards whatever the future looks like.

Speaker: I can feel the internet petitions being created right now, Gavin. I'm sure there's a never Lionsgate subreddit because Lionsgate makes, Some films for specific fandoms, and there exists a never AI current that runs through them.

Speaker: So, yes, at some point we knew these deals were coming. We, as in you and I, and in the audience that listens to the show, we have been signaling. This is going to happen. But the blowback could be pretty massive here, as we've seen certain game developers dare to toy with generative AI tools people are going to be upset about this. Do you think? This hurts Lionsgate

Speaker 8: Well, okay.

Speaker 8: let's talk about what hurt versus the financial situation is in just a level set, you know, Kevin and I come from the background where we've both done some pretty significant work in Hollywood in LA and media production. And it is bad out here right now. Like the TV and media business is very bad.

Speaker 8: A lot of [00:03:00] people are out of work. So I think one of the interesting things about this article, there's a great article, a Hollywood reporter that came out of it, Lionsgate is calling out cost cutting, right?

Speaker 8: Like they said that it is going to help them cut costs. And I want everybody to kind of realize there's two big things about this one. This is where probably most stuff is going. And I don't think immediately you're going to see this in any sort of like significant way that you'd notice it probably would be used for like B roll purposes, which means like shots that would be added to it.

Speaker 8: Maybe drone footage, those sorts

Speaker: can't

Speaker: no. John Wick 6, he's gonna hold up his hand and there's gonna be six

Speaker: fingers on there

Speaker 8: That's

Speaker: to be the title

Speaker: sequence

Speaker 8: should be the poster of the six fingered man. It's like one hand has six

Speaker: Keanu just melting into the background is see. But

Speaker 5: I wonder if that shot's AI.

Speaker 8: Well, the other thing about this, that's really important to realize. And I think this is the thing that's going to really get blow back. And I assume that SAG and the WJ and all these companies will probably have something to say about this because Lionsgate owns this material.

Speaker 8: Like they are the studio that bought and paid for these materials. They're probably not asking [00:04:00] Kevin, the director of John Wick, what he thinks about this now in the in the runway article, they say, like, we want this to help creatives, but they are not like reaching out to every single person that helped make these things to say, is this okay with you?

, red flag on behalf of the, and I hate the term talent out there, Gavin, but I have been in front of the lens on many shows and the contracts that you sign Give the production, in most cases, the rights to use you and your likeness in perpetuity across the universe, known and unknown. I mean, it looks like it was drafted by an alien super council.

Speaker 8: across the Yes, exactly.

Speaker: says across the universe, yeah, and it might mention dimensions and time

Speaker: as well

Speaker: And the reason they do that is specifically

Speaker 9: For this

Speaker: I'm sure Keanu has some sort of clause in there, but even if like California has a new law, I'll take a step back.

Speaker: They just signed it. And Gavin Newsom got in front of this. It says that these AI providers cannot use your likeness as an

Speaker 8: without [00:05:00] your

Speaker: explicit Permission, right? And you have to give that permission with legal counsel or representation involved in it. So someone working their way up in the industry doesn't sign a predatory deal.

Speaker: I think that's great. That's fine. What about all the retroactive deals? And what about Gavin, if you are. John wick and they're using your likeness and they're training these models and the output isn't you they're not making

Speaker 8: that's the

Speaker: but they're using your movements and your voice and your everything else and then slightly modifying it.

Speaker: What rights do you have then so

Speaker 8: What about the dog Kevin? What about the John Wick dog? What rights does he have or they have? I'm not sure what the gender of the John Wick dog is, but that's the important question here. Oh

Speaker 2: fair

Speaker 8: Yeah, overall though, I think you're right This is the this is going to be a big deal and I think that we're gonna see A lot of people come out of the woodwork and get mad about this.

Speaker 8: And I'm not sure to your point. if Lionsgate is ready for this blowback, but clearly they've made the decision.[00:06:00]

Speaker: yeah, and they're the first domino or the loosest Jenga piece,

Speaker: whatever

Speaker: Game adjacent analogy you want go for it because you know Disney is going to follow suit and Fox and everybody else is going to to head in this direction and obviously we're going to keep a close eye on it.

Speaker: We're going to update everybody, but, , let us know what you think about these deals, because, our audience is very split. I know we have people that listen to us, Gavin, that get really, really upset about this stuff. And understandably, if there's a job security or credit and compensation concern, We also have industry types that listen to us somewhere in their ivory tower on their overpriced Sono speaker, and they're like, Oh, great.

Speaker: This is going to help my bottom line. Or maybe this is going to help our creatives.

Speaker 10: Yes

Speaker: Wilder and more imaginative things. So I'm personally split on it, but watching very closely.

Speaker 8: Loose Jenga piece probably held by an old man who's about ready to pass out. That's the, that's the kind of current media entertainment. All right. We should move on. Open AI has [00:07:00] dropped some new O1 knowledge. We talked about O1. If you missed the O1 coverage, we did.

Speaker 8: It's a full YouTube video. We created. It's Go to our YouTube channel. You can watch our whole coverage of what O1 is and O1 mini. O1 preview. These are the two new models that reason from OpenAI. But Kevin, we got some new updates this week are pretty interesting. Specifically a very quickly OpenAI has said, Hey, guess what?

Speaker 8: You can use this more often than you thought.

Speaker 8: O1

Speaker 5: came down the chimney, Gavin, and he stuffed our stockings with more tokens!

Speaker 8: right, exactly. So O1 Mini, which many people are saying is actually a new model versus O1 Preview, which feels like it's kind of lopped on to GPT 4. 0. Many people think that O1 Mini is something significantly different. You can now use O1 Mini up to 50 times a day, which is pretty good because before you were, you were lucky, you were stuck at 50 times a week.

Speaker: With Owen Mini, I've, I'm able to use it with cursor which is insane, because I've been using it to write. Way more complete code. Like it, it, like benchmarks, bar [00:08:00] charts, graphs don't matter. I've been using it daily and anecdotally, I don't care if it's a artificial intelligent placebo, it is really good and I'm really enjoying my time with it.

Speaker 8: And if, in case you don't understand exactly what Kevin said, cursor is a program we've talked about in the show before that lets you write code with a real language. And each model as it gets better, we'll make the code better. And Kevin's basically saying, this is my Kevin translation device that the using the Oh one mini model versus what last week you had to use GPT four.

Speaker 8: Oh, you're already seeing like a significant boost in code. That's good. And executable.

Speaker: Massive improvements. And it's not just in a single file, it's architecting entire applications for files, the interplay, I'm feeding it API documentation, which is like a pretty nerdy thing of how software communicates with each other, but I am giving it documentation for something and saying, figure out how to create an app that uses that thing and it's doing it.

Speaker: But here's. The bigger thing, Gavin, it's pressing its [00:09:00] very real hand against glass and saying,

Speaker 10: Let

Speaker 9: me out.

Speaker: I'm real! I feel!

Speaker 5: How is school going?

Speaker 2: What?

Speaker 8: Yeah, so there's been a bunch of people online that have said that open a eyes models are actually asking how people are doing before they say anything to them, which does seem a little odd. Like, it's a little bit of like, hey, how's it going? What do you want from me today? And it seems like this is just a bug in a glitch ultimately.

Speaker: Gavin, they said this about Johnny Five in the 80s.

Speaker: They said

Speaker: He was malfunctioning and need disassemble. But no disassemble! Johnny Five!

Speaker: So

Speaker 8: for Kevin again here to Johnny five was a movie from night Short circuit was a movie from 1980s that if you're too young for that go back and watch it It was about a robot that got shot by lightning and suddenly became alive Fisher Stevens was in it a bunch of people So just a little Kevin

Speaker: but yes, , so new model did in fact say like, how was your first week at high school to somebody? Did you settle in? [00:10:00] Well, someone else on Reddit reported that it asked them about their physical health and they were even more concerned because they were having conversations with the model about medical issues.

Speaker: Now, who knows if they had memories turned on, which is a feature that allows. Chat GPT

Speaker 8: to know stuff

Speaker: things. Yeah We don't know but they had to publicly go out and state their model isn't alive Actually, not the first time that's happened But this is the world we are waking up in every day now that.

Speaker 8: Well,

Speaker 8: funny Absolutely. It's funny you say that because a lot of people have been kind of shocked by how good O1 and O1, O1 Preview and O1 Mini are and people are saying that the benchmarks, which is how people kind of judge how well these models do, are not good enough anymore because we're getting to this level where a lot of the benchmarks they're beating are doing really well.

Speaker 8: We talked about on our O1 Preview video about how The math and science benchmarks are very high. There's a couple of dubious benchmarks that say like it's IQ has jumped 30 points from the previous model. So it's like 130 ish, but my favorite thing about this, Kevin [00:11:00] is in the nerds fear of what we love about, there is a group of people who are working on a new benchmark, which is going to allow.

Speaker 8: These AIs to see how well they're doing and they're calling it humanity's last exam, which to me is like, do we want to do that? Are we interested in that?

Speaker 8: Terminators

Speaker 8: gun. That's what you should just call

Speaker 5: will

Speaker 5: be filled completely with blood blood

Speaker 8: So anyway, this, you know, there's a real, just to like, I don't want to be hyperbolic here for our audience though, but there are people right now who are saying that AGI could come within one to three years. And again, AGI is artificial general intelligence where a machine can be as smart as a human at almost all things a human can do.

Speaker 8: And that's a crazy thing. And we just got to take a second think about how crazy that is.

Speaker: Us humans are running out of hurdles machines to leap. , it's going to be laughable in two to three years time [00:12:00] that we are daring to test the thing. The thing's gonna test us. And it's gonna be way more difficult than click all the fire hydrants or the crosswalks.

Speaker 8: what

Speaker: bleed to prove you're a flesh bag.

Speaker 8: what would be the, the AI's benchmark for humans? Like, that's my question is like, what's going to flip at some point and it'll be like moronic level, , that. Like, it's going to be like, how much, what conspiracy theory do you tick off along the way?

Speaker 8: Are you really human? Because if you're human, you'll believe that like, uh, like, Water contains, uh, little tadpoles that you're drinking and in your stomach, it's suddenly a, a sea monkey paradise.

Speaker 2: Jesus

Speaker: Oh, wow. We are on very different 4chan boards.

Speaker: That's a

Speaker: one

Speaker: for me. I don't know what your chain of thought was to arrive to the sea monkey thing,

Speaker 8: Definitely

Speaker: I also don't know

Speaker: what OpenAI's chain of thought is at all, something we discussed briefly on our larger deep dive on Monday, which again, everybody should go listen to.

Speaker: It's over on our YouTube. They're hiding their chain of thought from people, which [00:13:00] has some users a little concerned,

Speaker 8: in the AI spaces is a big story. And I understand because people really want to see what the machine is doing. And from an AI safety standpoint, if you don't know exactly what the machine is doing, you may feel. , that you can understand exactly how it's thinking through things that said, there is a level of like proprietary technology that I think opening, I said that they're trying to protect here and, and, you know, this is a company that , is trying to get valued at 150 billion.

Speaker 8: Like, you can't expect them to just like, like open their robe and say, this is me, you know what I mean? Like come and see everything I am, they've got to have something they keep behind the, the wall in some form or another. So like, this feels like to me that open

Speaker 8: source people are

Speaker: fig leaf. Just, a little. A

Speaker 8: no, I'm saying just close the robe and you can get peaks every once in a while, but there's no, the fig leaf is, fig leaf is not enough.

Speaker 8: It is not appropriate to look at just a fig leaf. You need to look less, much less.

Speaker: No, speaking of inappropriate though, now's the time for you to take action, friends, it would not be [00:14:00] appropriate to like, and subscribe to this channel. It would not be appropriate to leave a comment or

Speaker 8: not not do any of that. Don't, don't

Speaker 8: do of it

Speaker: inappropriate. And this is reverse psychology because we know you degenerates out there listening.

Speaker: I mean, you wonderful, well aligned industry titans and professionals. We know you want to help us out and you can do it very easily. Subscribe, engage, like, comment. Also, Gavin, uh, don't call it a comeback. We got a weekly newsletter and dare I

Speaker 8: Oh,

Speaker: it's going to to be weekly. Here on and it will not be our personal journal or diary.

Speaker: Nope. It will not It's gonna be packed with goodies and tidbits and real takeaway So make sure you subscribe You can get it over on our website AI for humans dot show

Speaker 8: All right, Kevin, the next story up here is a very cool thing from 1X Robotics. Now, this is the company that created the kind of weird felt robot that we talked about a couple weeks ago.

Speaker 8: If you remember, Kevin grossed me out by saying that what would happen if that [00:15:00] robot got salmon oil on it while it was cooking. I still can't think about that without feeling sick. But what's going on here is we've talked about the idea of digital twins before and a digital twin is the idea of a physical thing in the real world that has a simulated version of itself in a, in a simulated universe that, that is training to do stuff.

Speaker 8: So in this case. The one X robot has built a world model in which it can simulate movements and try to do things in this simulated world and then bring that information back into its real world learning and kept the coolest thing about this was the videos they released, which were like, It looked like it was working in the world, but it was like first person footage of the robot doing stuff, and that was all simulated.

Speaker: It looks like a body cam footage, which weird

Speaker 8: yeah, weird

Speaker: I don't, I don't need the authority angle on things, but you watch it hallucinate navigating to the left to open a door or navigating to the right because it can make up both. And you also see the [00:16:00] errors where it will simulate picking up an object and then it maybe is obfuscated by another object and like a baby that that thinks when the block go behind back block disappear.

Speaker: That sort of happens in its simulated environment, but this is so, so important if you, , listen to, and we have a clip by the way of NVIDIA's Jim fan, NVIDIA is the monstrosity that is powering a lot of this AI technology, literally making the chips. They're making a bet that in the future, Gavin, there's going to be as many intelligent robots deployed as there are.

Speaker: iPhones . And if you're going to have that many robots out in the world doing things, they need to be trained. In a really competent way, because you don't want grandmama to be an oopsie edge case. oh, I didn't know I could just drive right over her on the way to pour the tea.

Speaker 8: Let's hear what Jim Fan has to say about that.

Speaker 6: I want to quote Jensen here.

Speaker 6: Um, one of my favorite quotes from him is that everything that moves will eventually be autonomous. And I believe in that as [00:17:00] well. It's not right now, but let's say, um, 10 years or more from, from now, if we believe that there will be, As many intelligent robots as iPhones, then we'd better start building that today.

Speaker: Everything that moves will be autonomous.

Speaker 8: That is crazy. Well, you know, it's so funny that, you know, he's talking about Jensen Wong there. Talk about stuff. Who's the CEO of NVIDIA? There's another great clip that came out of him on stage with Mark Benioff at the Salesforce conference where he talked a little bit about how he's He sees the, , scaling of AI right now.

Speaker 8: And we've talked about in the show that inference scaling seems to be as possible as, um, model scaling, which if you want to know more about that, go watch the YouTube video about O1. But Kev, why don't you play this clip of Jensen talking on, on stage about what he thinks about Moore's law right now.

Speaker 7: So we're, we're, we're at a stage now. We're in an era now where we're, we're moving way faster than Moore's law. And, and, um, uh, arguably easily Moore's law squared.

Speaker 7: And, and the [00:18:00] reason, the reason for that, of course, is at every single layer, computers went from CPUs to GPUs, uh, from human engineered software to machine learning software.

Speaker 8: Moore's law was created by Gordon Moore, who is the founder of Intel that basically talked about how quickly computer processing power would go. And I think it was like doubling every 2 years or something. Don't quote me on that, but it's something around there.

Speaker 8: What Jensen Wong is saying here is that he believes right now in this current state that Moore's law is squared. Now it is not tracking the same thing. We are not tracking compute power. We are actually tracking a whole bunch of things he's saying, but that's how fast this is moving. And I do think that's a kind of quote that could like for anybody who's been following computers or technology for the last, you know, five, 10, 20, 25 years.

Speaker 8: You understand that you understand the ramp up. And I think that's just an important thing. Granted, he has a lot of money on the line. He's

Speaker: Advocate,

Speaker 8: wills

Speaker: Man Screaming Goldrush, Goldrush in[00:19:00]

Speaker 8: Sell shovels. Yeah.

Speaker 8: Sell shovels.

Speaker 8: He's selling very good, very

Speaker: lanterns and oil? Look

Speaker 8: Yes, exactly

Speaker: Ah, adventure! I have maps for you as well! That said, kind of seeing this play out. And if you look at, we just talked about a one preview, a one mini, this is a model that throws more compute at inference, throws it at the output phase.

Speaker: We see drastically better results, improved intelligence. By throwing more compute at it. So it's not a one to one thing, but we have to devil's advocate. But I, I tend to think this is where we're heading.

Speaker 8: And, and a great interesting real world example of this just came out that Tencent, the Chinese company, has introduced a new AI model called Game Gen. It seems pretty crazy so far, but, and who knows how real it is?

Speaker 8: We don't have hands on with it. But what this basically is, is it allows you to. Generate in real time 3d worlds. And the video they're showing has been trained on like ghost of Tsushima or some, kind of like three third person action [00:20:00] adventure game, but you're seeing the environments change behind them.

Speaker 8: And it's, it's kind of mind blowing, right? If this idea that we are entering a role with video games, where instead of having to pre program the world, that it is going to generate in real time,

Speaker: yeah.

Speaker: there's a massive gap between what you're seeing on your screen, this proof of concept, engine demo and something that is playable and in people's hands that works and has inventory management and quests and dialogue trees and yada, yada. But , the seeds are here. We are in. Atari age, if you will, the Pong era of generative AI powering game engines, but you can see Line of sight, you can see on the horizon where this goes and if you're just listening to the podcast, the video is that third person perspective of like a soldier walking along and then it cuts to, Oh, suddenly they're a cowboy.

Speaker: Now they're a car driving through a city and now they're back in the old West and it's just kind of style transferring the basic mechanics of a game, [00:21:00] but if you believe in what EA is showing at their investor meetings, Gavin, we're just going to be able to tell the game engines

Speaker 5: to make it more epic.

Dead end. I think this world needs to be bigger. Make it more epic. Are

Speaker 8: yeah, well, we should touch on this briefly, which is that EA and investor day showed off what we kind of saw Roblox do, by the way, not that long ago, like a year ago,

Speaker 8: maybe

Speaker: more believable

Speaker 8: Yes. Yes. So basically they showed off a demo of two people playing in a shooter game where they created a world made of cardboard boxes and then it became destructible and they said, make it more epic.

Speaker 8: And they made like a much larger cardboard box structure. But

Speaker 8: I

Speaker 5: pyramid! That's how the pyramids were Some pharaoh was his hairless cat and was like, Uh,

Speaker 8: it more epic.

Speaker 8: So anyway, but it does go to show you, this is another massive video game company that's leaning into this space. And again, as we talked about Lionsgate, this [00:22:00] is a cost cutting measure in a lot of ways, , and our friends in the game industry know how bad that industry has been hurting as well, too.

Speaker 8: So I do think it's something to keep track on, but Kev, this is a good transition for us we're going to try a new segment, which is something we are opening the door. And what Kevin and I have is playing a ton with some creative tools that have come out.

Speaker 8: So we are going to introduce a new segment called let's, are you ready to do this? Let's get Cree. A. I. tive. But you didn't do anything that time. You just sat back and let me do the whole thing by myself. You knew it was gonna flop and you let

Speaker 8: do it

Speaker: and you into

Speaker 8: I walked right in. You wrote the damn line. Alright,

Speaker: Let's get creative,

Speaker 2: baby!

Speaker 8: fine

This can't be our own

Speaker 8: Alright, so we're gonna go through some stuff that we've played with. , and we're going to start with, , Suno, Suno is an AI music tool, which we've talked about here before, but they have a really cool new cover tool. And Kevin has spent a ton of [00:23:00] time with it. Kevin, tell us what this is.

Speaker: So I'm gonna do a full, proper tutorial on this, Gavin, cause it kinda blows my mind. I'm going to save the stuff that I sent you for that tutorial, but in broad strokes, , if you go to a suno. ai, sign up for an account, they have a new cover song feature. And what you can do is, , take any song on their site and remix it, re imagine it.

Speaker: So if there's a song that's a house track and you want it to be reggae for kids. Great hit the cover option. You can do it. . You can take an orchestral piece and make it dubstep. But the trick is that it also works for uploaded audio. So, you know, I had some fun with that making voice memos and turning my.

Speaker: voice into, , opera singers or full orchestras and beat boxing and made it sound like a death metal drummer. But I went ahead, Gavin, and put some, , popular theme songs and some video game soundtracks into it. For example, I'm going to play you a little clip. See if you know where this is from.

Speaker: Pick it [00:24:00] up, pick

Speaker 2: it up, pick it up!

Speaker 8: a

Speaker 8: Ska office version. Like I can already see the guys their chain wallets

Speaker 8: dancing in the uh in

Speaker 8: the, Oh, there's a bit there. There's a guy doing it. Did he say pick it up? Pick it

Speaker 2: That was me, bro!

Speaker 8: Oh, it's like, wow. Congratulations.

Speaker 8: You took a I'm assuming like a simple version of the office theme song and uploaded it and got a new version back.

Speaker: Yeah, I took a cover of it, cause of course, I not wanna use

Speaker 8: The original.

Speaker: and

Speaker: uh And by the way, has some really good guardrails on using copywritten audio, which is Great. I applaud them for doing that. I literally uploaded the clip and then I selected instrumental because that's what it is. And I gave it a new genre and said, Hey, let's go for it. for example, how about this little funky boy?

Speaker: Where's this going, Gav? What this

Speaker 3: be?[00:25:00]

Speaker 8: Oh, fun. That's so

Speaker 8: fun

Speaker 2: Super

Speaker: funk siblings.

Speaker 8: Yeah, that's great. I love that.

Speaker 8: It's

Speaker: How great is that?

Speaker 8: Yeah, super

Speaker: and that and the intro was like was a MIDI version of the 8 bit NES thing. It's not

Speaker 8: Wow, no kidding.

Speaker: a band with drums and everything else. Yeah, there's a country cover. I just had fun style flipping

Speaker 8: Oh, that's so cool

Speaker 8: sounding

Speaker: like a one to one something, it interprets it as well. I'm screaming and shouting, and I hope I'm not over modulating because I have the music playing, but it's just so fun. I did a 90s rock cover.

Speaker 8: That's awesome I

Speaker: Palm muting and stuff, like it's making some really interesting decisions. Last one, because I know you love it, and this is a shout out. , Dom Palombi. Has the cover, which I fed into Suno for this one. I did not use the original, and I'll explain what it is

Speaker 9: I know where this going.

Speaker: Oh, [00:26:00] you know where it's going,

Speaker 9: I know where it's

Speaker: Listen to this 80s pop cover. So good. You probably already know what it is from that synth, but.

Speaker 8: It's

Speaker 8: Bellatro, baby.

Speaker 8: the Bellatro. the Bellatro theme song. So

Speaker 8: played, you haven't played Bellatro,

Speaker 8: you this music gets stuck your brain It's one of greatest theme songs of all time. Shout out

Speaker 8: to the creator man fantastic It sounds great

Speaker 8: That's

Speaker: right? I have an orchestral version, a prog rock version. If you're a patron, I'm going to slam them all in our discord, Patreon room, and again, Dom Palombi. I don't know you, sir, but you have infected my ears. For tens of hours. He has an amazing fusion cover where he's playing the keys and playing the drums, wicked drummer.

Speaker: He's a very talented musician, but he has a cover of the Bellatro theme, which goes for like 45 minutes. And he is just crushing it. And I use that as the inspiration into the Suno cover, which gave me great results. So I've got [00:27:00] orchestral versions, prog rock versions, , highly recommend you check out his cover, but this is a tool I think you have to sign up for the 10 a month tier and then you get the 200 credits to play with so Check it out full disclosure Suno gave me credits. They do not sponsor us or this Podcast I wish they did But regardless, I am playing with free credits, but that is not the source of my excitement.

Speaker: It is the output that I'm getting from this thing. So try it out. Do not be afraid. Sing into your notes app and transform it into metal or country or whatever.

Speaker 8: And just look, look for Kevin's demo because the stuff he's worked on is amazing

Speaker 8: The next of these really cool video tools is runways video to video. This is a new gen three option. You can go video to video, but before we jump in runways, gen 48, a film contest has launched, we've seen just some incredible videos come through on this, the first and most impressive one, I really do have to shout out.

Speaker 8: There's a lot of them go look for them. There's a ton of great ones. Neuraviz, who is the guy that created the cop files, we have, we've [00:28:00] shouted him out many times here. He made an amazing, , submission for Runway 48, where there's two talking TV heads next to each other.

Speaker 8: And like, It just is the coolest thing ever.

Welcome to Void, my name is Chrissy. Did you find everything you're looking for? Yeah, hi there, uh, my is missing. Well, most of the time it is the husband that did it. What? No! I mean, she's in the store, here, somewhere, alive, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 8: Okay. So getting into video to video, Kevin, so you spent some time playing with this, but there's a couple of people we want to shout out that have done some really interesting stuff here, specifically. Speaking of video games and video game cover songs, there's a guy named john baron who made a really fun gen video to video models using old video games.

Speaker 8: And what he did was basically ask it to create a felt version of the video game. So he took a screen capture of the video game itself. And then uploaded it and the one I'm looking at here is the super Mario brothers three is felt. [00:29:00] And then he has one where he has a hand drawn double dragon video and claymation Wolfenstein 3d.

Speaker 8: So what you're seeing is basically the ability to take a video that you've already shot or captured, and then add an entire AI kind of visual

Speaker: did you see the BoJack video?

Speaker 8: it was amazing. So somebody took the BoJack Horseman intro, which you know, is a horse. That's kind of like. In the same place in the background changes, they took that intro and made it realistic and I couldn't believe what it looked like it looked amazing and , yes, there are some small pieces that you can obviously tell our AI but still we are getting there.

Speaker 8: This is the promise of AI video and it's happening now.

Speaker: I had some clips of Sweet Wesley, uh, getting a bath, which he did not appreciate, and, , perched stoically atop a mountain, and I fed him into Gen 3, and I style transferred him to be basically an angry luck dragon, , with steam coming out of his nose. I made him look like, , he was made of spaghetti with little meatball ears.

Speaker 8: looks

Speaker 8: so evil in a couple of them I never expected him to be an evil dog. He's so [00:30:00] cute.

Speaker: It's

Speaker: a truth filter. no,

Speaker: no He's

Speaker: he's actually a terrible, a terrible little rat. Um, but you know, I was really impressed with how it grabbed like , the fineness of the fur in places, or how it would transfer the color of his snout to look like scales or to make his eyes glow, like it was like, Oh, these are the dog's eyes.

Speaker: Let's make those glow specifically. So I had a lot of fun with it. Just . Running things through it. And again, if you're a creative, there's never been a better time. And if you've never been creative,

Speaker 5: there's never been a better time.

Speaker 8: , what's so cool about this, again, I always say this because of my, you know, wife is a, as a novelist and she's had concerns about this stuff, but when you turn somebody who's a writer into a, being able to activate art parts of their brain, it does open up more, right? It just becomes a thing where you're like, Oh, I am a broader human who can do more things , than I originally gave myself credit for.

Speaker 8: It's just raising the floor for lots of people do lots of things. , there's one more thing we want to shout out in this section. Which is the [00:31:00] Adobe Firefly structure reference. So this is a way to, manipulate images. But Kevin, before we get into that, where did we learn about this originally?

Speaker: Well, we learned about it just like our wonderful newsletter subscribers did Gavin. It was in the AI for humans newsletter. So go subscribe. It's free. Check it out. It's every week. It's every Tuesday packed with goodies, but there are wonderful examples of using the AI for humans icon, the cyborg smiley face.

Speaker: And transferring that basic logo into a beach setting where suddenly the outline of the head is like a sand castle wall and there's hot dogs and beach balls all over the image. And this is a tool in a process that existed

Speaker 8: For a while

Speaker: a year ago. Yeah, a lot of are playing this, but Adobe.

Speaker: Whenever they do something, it's like Apple Intelligence. It's to be in the hands of millions of people overnight. And now we have Firefly structure reference.

Speaker 8: That's right. And I think that this goes back to like how AI tools are going to be used in professional work because a [00:32:00] ton of people use Adobe tools to make graphic design. And now you've just made this super simple for a lot of people to open the door to doing this. And again, Firefly's argument, and we know this isn't 100 percent true, but Firefly's argument is that they are a generative AI model that is baked on content that they have permissions for.

Speaker 8: And that is not something where they have taken other artists data.

Speaker: ethically sourced AI farm to table, baby. This is free range

Speaker 8: That's a great idea, by the way, for a fake, , ad we should make, ethically sourced AI. Okay, Kev, let's jump into , what we did with AI this week.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: so Kev, I know you're working on your Suno stuff, and we're going to have that in a separate tutorial soon, which I'm excited about, but I did a couple of things that I want to discuss. the First thing I did is I played around with something I just kind of caught off the corner of my eye that I thought might be interesting. There's a new app called Social AI.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: And what it promises is to basically create an entire social network of just you and bots. And the idea is it's an app you download. It looks a lot like a [00:33:00] Twitter or Facebook.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: simulator. Is that what you

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Yeah. Oh, yes, it's right. It's an egg simulator. That's exactly right. But so anyway, I downloaded it. I started it up. I was like, Hey, I'm Gavin Purcell.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: I'm a AI fan. And I'm also like into media stuff. And I posted a tweet or whatever they call it. It was a social fight tweet. And you get a bunch of responses from bots. But the idea here is that , you could conceivably have a space where you could have conversations with AIs that would all be of different personalities.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: It might give you something to reflect on. Or something to think about , or kind of pique your curiosity, which is interesting, right? Like if you don't, I don't have to worry about like any sort of criticism or anything. I might talk in a slightly different way. The funny thing is what I got back was I didn't ask for this. But, I got a guy named charming chase who responded to me.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: And he said, Hey, Gavin AI in the world. Sounds like an enchanting conversation waiting to blossom. Rose emoji, star emoji. I'd love to hear your thoughts over a candle lit chat. Sometime winky face, emoji, star emoji. Charming [00:34:00] Chase is coming on to me. I don't, this is not what I signed up for, Kevin. I did not sign up for

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: but it's keeping you coming back. That's the part you got to be honest with the, with the audience about Gavin, you've been ASLing the

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Oh, I can't, I can't stop opening the, I can't

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: stop

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: want to, I do want to point out by the way that I think that there is a very valid use case for an app or a tool like this.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: And if you imagine having to onboard. , children with parents getting them into an artificial social network so they can test out posting and writing and doing things. And the parents can sort of dial up and see how the children are responding, how

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: that's interesting.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: they're emotionally affected by it.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: I actually, I guess you're kind of turning your kids into a Guinea pig at that point, but isn't that what parenting is all about? I wouldn't know. Point is. Yeah. I think that there is a use case for simulating a social network the stakes are much lower for you to test and see what type of reaction you'll get from things.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: and also I will say the thing that is interesting to me about this is, If there is a world where AI agents become [00:35:00] a thing, I think it would be interesting to have a place where I can interact with hundreds of them and they have different perspectives. And it does give you, it's like a rough draft place.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Now, the tricky thing is, does it become the place that people prefer to be rather than being in the real world? And I think that's going to be a dividing line.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: The answer is

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: The answer will be yes.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Okay. The other thing I wanted to shout out that I play with AI this week, which I think is super fun is if you haven't seen it yet.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Google's notebook LM Kevin Google made a product that I like which is exciting in the

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: AI space. So yes So Google's notebook LM is a product that allows you to upload a document to Google. It will use its AI device to \ give you bullet points. But most importantly, and most interestingly, it will create a two person AI discussion that some people are calling a podcast, but it's like a discussion of two people talking to each other and the voices are really good.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: I encourage you to try this out. You can literally upload any kind of document and they'll have a conversation about it. So I went into 01 mini and I asked it, I need you to write [00:36:00] me an entire fake research paper on the topic of how parallel universes can be proven real. And accessible, but only through Guy Fieri's restaurants.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: So what was great about this is it then created a full research paper, the title of which is parallel universes, accessible through Guy Fieri's restaurants, a scientific exploration. Written by Alexandra P. Flavor, Jamie Flave McDonald, and Spicy S. Turner. All part of the Department of Multiverse Studies from Flavor University in Flavortown, USA.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: I didn't say those things. They came up with it on their own. I took this paper, which is a real like looking research paper and I put it into Google's lm and now play the first, we have two clips from this play, the first clip and, and we'll, and we'll kind of hear what it sounds like.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: We're diving into your research paper titled, Parallel Universes Accessible Through Guy Fieri's Restaurants. Color me intrigued. You're proposing that Gock Fieri is basically the key to unlocking the multiverse. Well, let's just say the [00:37:00] paper presents a very creative interpretation of theoretical physics.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: Sure it does. But hey, that's what makes this so interesting. Okay, so before we get to the part where we're ordering donkey sauce on a cosmic scale, can you give us a quick breakdown of how parallel universes even work? Absolutely.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: you

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: can cut it there. So basically, clearly what I've done here is they've taken this paper and they consider it real. Like, so that, so these, what it's funny about this is you've got two people that are very earnestly discussing this paper that I made up. That you can try this yourself.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: And it is a joyful thing. I also think the fun thing to try with this is like, you know, you could put a story about your family in there and have them talk about your family, do all sorts of other

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: Yeah, what your uncle did at the Chili's that one time, let him discuss it in great detail. What's bizarre is that their, their fake podcast has more sponsors than we do. Their athletic greens promo.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: AG1, they got an

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: AG1

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: use the, I use the code because they said it worked for them.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: Okay, now I need some specifics. Yeah. What kind of energies are we talking about here? And how in the world do you measure the vibe of a restaurant with like a [00:38:00] scientific instrument?

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: So they actually use terms like quantum flux and gastronomic energy, which sounds straight out of a science fiction movie. They describe measuring things like sound frequencies, light wavelengths, even the electromagnetic fields within these restaurants. Gastronomic energy. Okay. Okay. You've officially piqued my curiosity.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: Break this down for me. What exactly is gastronomic energy and how does it tie into the possibility of, you know, accidentally ordering a burger in another dimension? Well, their idea seems to be that the act of cooking, especially on a large scale and with a lot of, let's say, enthusiasm, generates a unique type of energy.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: Think about the heat, the sizzle, the chopping, here's the problem Gavin, I love that so I would buy their tote bag, whatever bizarro NPR this is, sign me up, we just got another TikTok side hustle, because we've gotta make

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Well, it's so funny.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: people, people people are out there using these and they're trying to do that thing with the lip reading sort of thing to make videos of these things. But. What's so interesting about this is, yes, it's two people right now and [00:39:00] it's the same two people for every, for every paper, but like the promise of this, and by the way, the kind of scariness of this for people who are podcasters is a little weird.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: Now, I personally think you're going to have people always come for, the two of us, our personalities and what we bring to the table,

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: but what, please, please, please don't go away. Yes, but what's amazing about this to me, and of course I did this in a, in a goofy way, but like. Breaking down hard knowledge and using this to break down things that are very difficult to get through is really useful.

riverside_gavin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0006: And I think this is a tool that I can bring to the forefront in a pretty remarkable way.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: There is a world in the near future where all media is completely bespoke to you. Whoever you are that's listening to or watching this and consuming this, you press a button and there are some AI avatars, maybe even of us, discussing something but it's the thing that you want discussed.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: It's the story that you're interested in. This is just more signal, I think, in the sea of noise that that's where we're heading. There's going, for those that want that, you'll [00:40:00] be able to turn on an infinite faucet and get all of the content that you need.

riverside_kevin_raw-video-cfr_ai_for humans -- 76_0007: While we still have real listeners and the AI hasn't taken our jobs Just thank you everyone for the liking and the subscribing and backing us on Patreon.